Author Archives: Tim

200 Amps!

Sorry no pictures. Tonight I added a second 100aH AGM Lifeline battery in the Ambassador.

Before I put the belllypan back on I ran two #6 wires to the street side closet. I put another battery box and got it wired up. I simply wired the batteries in parallel and put a 50 amp DC auto reseting breaker within 18″ from the positive terminal on each battery. This is important incase of a wire failure to protect each battery.

Next I increased the Tri-Metric amp-hour setting to 200 so it can track the % of battery left.

I purchased the battery from Best place online for power stuff for your trailer. Ask for Randy and tell him theVAP sent you!

Going to give the system a good test soon. I’ll report back then.

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Small Things

A few weeks ago when I was working in the Ambassador I stepped on the shower curtain and pulled three of the curtain tabs loose.

So today I took a few minutes to sew the tabs back on. You can get these tabs from Vintage Trailer Supply.

Here is a shot of the tabs I sewed on the curtain.



Here is the final product.


Since I had the needle and thread out, I went ahead and fixed the room divider. It has metal rods that help form the curtain and they were all loose because the thread holding it together are missing.


There were lots of bad spots on this divider. This took forever to fix by hand. We have one of those portable handheld sowing machines but I have no idea how to use it…. bad for me. At least its done and holding together.


Ya, its ugly,,, but done.

Last little job was the door stop. There was a dried up rubber door stop to keep the door handle from contacting the trailer skin. I had purchased a rubber plug and made a replacement but it did not last.

I happened to run across a rubber foot from an old piece of electronic equipment. It looked perfect for the job.




That should do it. Nice to be down to such small repairs 😉

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Spare Tire and More

There were of course no keys that came with the Ambassador when I bought it almost 2 years ago. I have since gotten all the keys working by buying new lock cylinders or have the local locksmith make a key when I brought him the lock.

I had one key still missing to the storage compartment toward the back on the curb side. It is installed such a way as you cannot remove it easily. Colin had suspected that the key to his access door on his ’59 Ambassador would work. I had since been bugging him for over a year to get a copy to try. At the CBR he brought a copy of his key, and I found anyone with a similar hatch and borrowed their keys to make copies. I tried from a ’58 – ’61. Spent about $11 on keys.

When I returned home to California, one of the first things I tried was the hatch keys. Not one of them worked! I was bummed.

After polishing the trailer since it was all hooked up, I decided to tow it to the locksmith and see if he could make a key from a 50 year old lock. He had a small scope much like the doctor uses to check your ears. He looked in the lock for a couple of minutes and came back with a key, after a couple of tries, it worked! He fine tuned the key and for $21 and fifteen minutes, I had a perfect key…. finally.

Todays project was another long awaited one. I have been carrying the spare tire in the bed of the truck. There is a spare tire carrier on the trailer. Its pretty much rusted to the rear bumper, they are one now. A lot of people are scared to put a tire on the rear and if they don’t know their floor and frame are solid they are probably should be. Since I repaired my rear floor and the rear frame, I decided to go ahead and use it. I have seen a lot of photos and videos of these old trailers carrying even two spare tires on the rear bumper on those around the World caravans, so I’m not too worried.

I was missing the parts to secure the rim to the mount. I ended up re-purposing a floor flange used in electrical plumbing parts. Here are some photos.


Here is a close up of how its secured to the carrier. Since the wheel is aluminum I cut a piece of cork to help keep the metal from marring the wheel.


Some more close ups of the mount. The bottom bracket is actually supporting the tire weight. The nut is just keeping it from coming of the mount.


This last shot shows the rear view. There are two holes in the mount. I’m going to run a cable lock through them and the wheel to keep it secure.


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Final polishing photos


The moment you’ve been waiting for. I waxed half of the trailer with Nu Finish. I should be able to complete that tomorrow.

Overall I’m pretty happy with the job. But I do see the flaws. Check this close up and notice the compounding swirls. This is after compounding with C, cycloing with F7 then again with S.


I think it will just take more cycloing with F7. Perhaps as much as 4 – 5 times. Maybe I’ll try again next year.

Here are some other photos. Street side close up.




That’s it for now. I’ll move the trailer back to its place on the side of the house in the next couple of days.

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Add 9 and done…. for now

I put in three hours a day the last three days. That puts me at a total of 90 hours, or 20 hours for my polishing update.

I looked closed at the curbside and noted that even though I cyclo’d with F7 then again with S, there are still lots of compounding swirls. Like I said earlier I think you have to cyclo with F7 until the swirls are gone. I’m out of polishing steam…

On the street side I just cyclo’d once with F7 and left it at that. Its comparable to the curbside. So my advice is to not waste the S polish until you have the swirls gone from earlier work.

Anyway, I finished up the front of the trailer, including a quickie job on the propane tanks. So I’m done for the year.

Next is to hand polish a coat of Nu Finish on it. Then I’m done. I’ll take some decent photos then. I do have this one photo from my phone I took….



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4 more make 81

I put four more hours in today. Basically I now have the curb side finished save the wax.

I tried an experiment. On the rear end cap after compounding with C, I went straight to cycloing with S. Turned out pretty well. One thing is at night with headlights shinning on it you can still see the swirls from the compounding.

So the test was I did the rest of the side in two steps. I cyclo’d with F7 then again with S. Although I have not shinned a headlamp on it, the verdict….. direct to S is fine for me.

There are still swirls after the two steps. Basically its because you probably need to do the F7 cyclo about 3 – 4 times and only do a two-square foot area at a time and move the wrap cloth more often. I am not about to put that much time into it on a 28 foot trailer!

So the street side will get direct to cycloing with S after the compounding with C. Your mileage may very.

So as I type this I have a grand total of 81 hours into the polish job with an estimate of another 10 – 12 to complete this touch up. I need to compound the street side and front of the trailer and do the two propane tanks.

Here are some photos. Note, taking photos of polished trailers at dusk is cheating… they all look better that way.




This last one is the street side and can be used as a before photo on the curb side..


Thats it for now…. Compounding continues tomorrow….

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Keeping count

No photos today. Photos and black polish oxidation don’t go well together.

Since the last post I put another 5 hours into the compounding. I’m just going to add to my original polish count and call it 77 hours.

I have the curbside finished with the compounding. I’m going to start with the cyclo next before I start on the street side….

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For Frank & Anna

I see that Frank is polishing his Airstream Overlander. Poor chap. I can’t let him go through this alone. So I decided to give my trailer a once over again.

I pulled it out of the side yard yesterday, nearly ripping the street side off. Now there’s a story….


It was about a year ago I did my first round of 70 hours of polishing. The temperatures got too high, 85-90 degrees around June. So I decided this time to get a head start. I figure I got a month before I can’t polish anymore.

Only this time I’m just going over once. I’m compounding with C and will follow up with cycloing with S. For those who use tool box polish, those letters refer to polishing grades of aircraft polish called Nuvite. Check it out at Perfect Polish and tell Tom, theVAP sent you.

Men at work….

Sitting down on the job…


Got two hours in today. About 2/3’s of the curbside compounded.

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CBR and Back!

Whirlwind weekend.

I flew out on the redeye at 12:15 am last Thursday for the Cherry Blossom Rally in Upper Marlboro, MD and arrived local time at 10:25 am. Rob and his family picked me up from the airport in Washington DC and told me they wanted to go to the mall.

I was wondering why they wanted to go to the mall, I just wanted to see the White House. Well, turns out that’s what they call the mall. It includes the White House, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc….

Here is a photo at the White House. If you look close you might see Marine 1 in the air carrying the President back to the White House.

White House

Continuing on down the mall we went by the Washington Monument. It was huge. You can actually go inside of it if you get tickets early enough.


Next up is the Lincoln Memorial. This is cool. It is a 19 foot carving of the President.


Next we walked down to the Vietnam Memorial wall. This wall contains the names of those who died in that war. One thing I noticed is that all of the other memorials you can hear people talking and making noise. When walking the Vietnam Memorial there was a silence that was very distinct.


After what seemed like several miles of walking the mall in 90 degree heat after my being up over 30 hours, I was ready to crash. We drove on to the rally site at the Rogers farm and found many aluminum homes setup for the weekend.


That picture was taken the last day of the rally when the rain clouds came around. The previous days were hot and muggy.

Colin arrived a day late so I had to find a room elsewhere. Luckily Dave Morrison had a nice spot on his gaucho which was just reupholstered. Nice and comfy. Thanks Dave!

After Colin showed up I moved my stuff in his trailer since he was there by himself. Colin had recently turned 50 and we teased him about needing a walker to get around. A fellow Airstreamer Steve brought a walker to hide in Colin’s trailer for a joke. Only Colin thought it was mine since I had just moved in. It was quite funny.

But I did happen to snap this photo…..


At the CBR they always have entertainment for Saturday night. Some how the scheduled band did not show up. So theVAP was fill in. We recorded a show in front of a live audience in the tent. Once again Dave Morrison to the rescue with his pro audio gear and had us sounding great. You can check it out in theVAP Episode 68.

Here we are setup doing the show.


Here is a shot of all of us with Frank. Frank is a dedicated listener to theVAP. Frank was responsible for getting me to the CBR in the first place. He challenged Rob and Colin to see who would have the best bathroom restoration by the time of the rally.


From left to right: Tim, Frank, Rob, and Colin.

Traveled 3000 miles and didn’t even win a t-shirt. Are you reading this Steve H.? !!!

I want to thank Rob and his family for the help with the flight out to Washington and the hospitality at the rally. I also want to thank Colin and everyone else at the CBR.

It was a fun time talking with everyone about their trailers. Lots of fun folks. If you have the opportunity to go to the CBR I highly recommend it. Too bad its so far for me. I’d love to have my family and trailer there.

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OK, its been a while….

Since I don’t really have anything to add to the restoration portion of this blog apart from maintenance and repairs, I decided to update it with our camping trips.

We recently took our longest trip with the trailer to date, a full seven nights in the trailer. I think it went quite well. We covered a lot in those seven days.

First stop was Pismo Beach in Central California. We found a nice full hookup campground right on the beach. The problem is about a million other people did to. Cramped sites, busy kids, it was a mad house.

Here is a shot of our site. It was tight backing in. I found a nice audience in my attempts…

Pismo Beach camp site

This place was a good location despite it being crowded. It was just a 2 minute walk to the beach, and an hour drive to Hearst Castle.

Hearst Castle is a beautiful place full of history. Nice location and a great place to visit. It’s a castle that was built by William Randolf Hearst starting around 1919 and it took the better part of 15 years.

Here is a shot of the main entrance.

Hearst Castle Entrance

Another shot of one of the two pools. This one was built and torn down and rebuilt three times until they were satisfied.


Next stop was our first courtesy parking experience in Simi Valley. We stayed at the Bounder Buddies place! Thanks Bounder!

Courtesy parking

From the Bounder Buddies place we were close to Hollywood. We went to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, home of the red carpet movie premiers, and walk of fame.

Hollywood walk of fame

Complete with hand and foot prints in cement.

Hollywood cement

Lots of interesting characters all around. Mostly wanting a $1 to take your photo with them. And they were busy….

Darth Vader and Bobba Fett

Next stop was the Ronald Reagan Library. Very educational stop complete with replica’s of the Oval Office and the real Air Force One used by Reagan, Carter, Clinton, and Bush. You can even tour it!

Air Force One

We can’t get this close to Disneyland with making a stop. So we moved to a campground near the Magic Kingdom and paid the Mouse a visit.

We did see another Airstream nearby…


Goofy being… well… goofy.


Here is a shot of the Mark Twain boat. This boat is original to the day Disneyland opened putting it just a few years older than my trailer. So its vintage!

Mark Twain

All in all the trailer did great. We did our first camping without hookups when we were courtesy parking. That is when we found our first little glitch. Its the first time we used the water pump extensively. The pump would intermittenly stop during a shower. Then without reason, it would startup again. I have not had a chance to check it out yet. I hope its the relay I’m using to power the pump. I’ll let you know.

Otherwise everything else ran great. We used the TwinTemp for a furnace for the first time as well. It worked great and we had nice quite heat. Can’t say enough good things about it!

So now we have an idea of what it may be like to camp without full hookups. Might be interesting if we find the right place. I think with the five of us we could make two nights with our tank capacities. Now battery power thats another issue….

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