Durring the last couple of light rains I noticed water running down the window seal inside the curbside trailer bedroom. Closer examination I found the original tape bedding for the glass had failed across the bottom.
I tried to gently loosen up the remaining tape, and CRACK! went the glass, both of them. So today I stopped at the glass shop and had them cut me two new ones. I had to settle for 1/16″ because they did not have 3/32″. The nice thing about these 60’s windows is the glass was $11 each, any glass shop can cut for you. Not some special expensive and hard to get window.
So I did not feel to bad about having to do this….
You guess it. I had to break it out in peices in a controlled fashion. It would have come out in peices anyway.
Wearing gloves I removed the larger peices of glass and dropped them to a waiting trash can below.
After cleaning up the old bedding tape and adding new. I now have two new windows, that hopefully don’t leak.