I had a few windows left to replace the inner seals. The originals were nasty and dried out, which makes them easy to remove. The replacements were a contribution from Vintage Trailer Supply (tell them theVAP sent you 🙂 ).
Here is the before shot.
The new stuff just slips right it with an little help from a small flat blade screwdriver.
Just a few more to go and they are all done….
Now that the seals are finished, I had some time to replace some screens. I knew I had a couple of bad ones that needed fixing. I really like these 60’s Hehr windows. The glass is flat so easy and cheap to replace, the hardware is still available and the screens just twist in place with 4 keepers. My old ’71 each screen was rounded and had a million screws on each.
My first two are from the Joulise window. I got the standard screen replacement tools.
Pushed the screen in with the spline tool. I was able to use the original splines too.
Just trim the excess off and its done!
They turned out so nice and it was fairly simple to do, I decided to keep going. My front door screen was shot to. Here it is all fixed up.
I really was not planing on replacing them all, but since it was simple and they looked like this…..
I just kept going….
Until I ran out :-(. I’ll pick up some more and finish them. They really give the trailer a cleaner look.