I had some time to kill today, so I thought I’d replace the mirror that cracked on the last trip. If it’s in a vintage Airstream is it more than 7 years bad luck?
Pretty easy job, just a swap really.
Next up was replacing the shower curtain. I had purchased the new curtain a year ago, but never had enough energy to tackle it. It requires the sewing machine!!!
The old curtain was about 12 years old and the tabs kept coming off. I hand sewed them back in the day and a few times over the years. Time to do a new one!
I laid it out for the template and cut the new curtain.
Next up was hemming the bottom then sewing the dreaded plastic tabs back on. Only bent one needle! 🙂
I tapped the plastic tabs into position and picked some crazy zig-zag stitch. And away we go!
Slide them back in the track one by one.
I did spay some lithium grease to help. Secure the end with the screw and…..
New curtain! Took a couple of hours. Well, a year and a couple of hours. Hope it lasts another 12 years!