I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to make the archives shows available. I’m sure everyone realizes there are costs associated with hosting 360 hour long shows as well as the bandwidth to download/stream them.I think I have found a way to keep it going with locals.com.
The locals platform allows you to join for free and view and listen to content on theVAP channel. Their local’s app allows you to stream the shows (and even listen with your phone screen off)! This helps with the download issues many were having when using phones and tablets.
Locals also has a support feature where you can support the content via a monthly subscription that will open up all the content, allow for posting, commenting, etc. It’s through the subscription that I’m hoping enough people will support the content to allow me to keep the site up going forward.I can also add new content on locals for subscribers, and do live streams.
Locals does have tiers, so if I did the math right, I will need 50 to host all the back shows.Check out the link below. Join for free and browse around.
I posted the first 20 shows so far and made many open and available so you can try it out with apps or your browser. I will keep working until I get as many uploaded as they allow.Once there, please consider becoming a supporter.
I set the monthly fee as low as they allow which is $5.Thanks for all the support over the years!
See ya down the road!