I fully expected to install more brake lines. However, the parts did not arrive until noon, and by then I had other plans. So, hopefully back on the brakes tomorrow.
I purchased a table leg and wall bracket to build a table around. The wall bracket has a groove that fits the table piece. It allows the table to be positioned anywhere along the track.
I ended up building the table with the 3/4″ oak left over from the bunk bed project. Glad I didn’t through it out. Turned out OK so far. I need to finish staining it and put a polly acrylic coating on the top. Its supposed to turn into a hard protective coating. Let me know if you have used it.
Here is a shot of the wall bracket and the table in a stored position.
This next shot shows a dinning position. Two on the couch and two in chairs.
The nice thing of this design idea is the table can slide forward and become a computer desk. While still having access to the couch.
There is still plenty of room to get by when the table is out. Also I’m pretty sure the table can stay in this spot with the bed out.
I’m going to add a wall mount bracket to the end of the counter so I can put the table against the wall if I want.
We’ll thats what I got done today. Tomorrow… we’ll see…