Taj Mahal is what the neighbor called the Ambassador the other day. Actually he said that must be the Taj Mahal for the amount of time I work on it :-).
I’ve been having a problem getting my countertops just the way I’d like them. I keep getting small *burned or scraped* areas on the edges when I run the laminte bit to trim the top.
I neglected to point this out on my kitchen counter because I’m trying to learn to quit pointing out the negative. But the shelf I made above the fridge has a bad spot, and now this small top is giving me a fit.
What should have been quick hour job, turned into about three hours of frustration. I’ve now laminated this top three times :-(.
I’ve already spent too much time working with this. I had to move on. When I find some free time I’ll come back to it.
Like I mentioned earlier the door on the left side of this cabinet was pretty delaminated. I had to build it up from scratch. I picked up some 1/8″ oak and got started.
On the left is the delaminating door and the replacement made. On the right is the cabinet wall that was bad as well.
Here is the cabinet dry fitted in place. Of course everything still needs to be stained. It turned out pretty well. I should be able to stain and install it tomorrow.