I don’t mean leaks…. I’m talking about a water fill for the fresh water tank.
I was trying to find a nice way to add this since I removed the original spigot used in the presureized system of 1960.
Since I’m using an on-demand pump, I also need an air vent for the tank. My research found marine parts to be the right fit. They are stainless steel and polished so they match the trailer great.
The picture below shows the water filler. Its called a marine deck fill and it is actually labled *Water* on the face. They also make them for fuel and waste as well.
The air vent is a stainless steel marine fuel tank vent. Its a screened vent with a splash gaurd. And it looks cool too.
Both items I found on eBay, but you can also find them a good marine supply houses.
Next came drilling the holes. Of course both pieces are different sizes than anything else I installed so I ended up having to buy two new hole saws. The lower hole just missed a cross support :-). Note to self… keep a better eye on those rivet lines….
Here they are installed and ready to go.
Here’s the final shot with the fill cover off. It uses a special *key* to open it. However a nice pair of needle nose pliers works in a pinch. Still it will keep those pesky trouble makers out.
Tomorrow I hope to finish up the fresh water tank installation. I need to find a 1-1/2″ male pipe thread to barb fitting so I can use a 1-1/2″ I.D. fill hose.
Those hardware store folks should know me by name….