A bulkhead is the term used for the little half walls in an Airstream. I needed to build one to surround the refrigerator. As you can imagine with all the curves in an Airstream this is no easy task to build from scratch. Expecially for a rank ameatur woodworker like me :-).
I used a combination of techniques from the Story Stick I used earlier to the compass method we talked about in Episode 39.
Before cutting my $39 sheet of 1/2″ oak, I used an $8 sheet of luan for a template.
I scribed and cut, scribed some more until it came out like this. Then I laid it out over my oak sheet and traced it out.
I cut it a little large and sanded the edges before I did my test fit in the trailer.
To my amazement it fit pretty well :-). Next I trimed the vertical for the size I wanted and then placed my cabinet next to it to see how it will fit together.
Looks like it will work out fine. Just some more sanding and staining and it will be good to go!