When I heard my brothers were coming to town this weekend, all efforts turned to getting the A/C ready. 🙂
I had prepped the opening by running the electrical and drain line to the 14×14″ opening. I also framed it out some to add some strength.
Here is a shot of the opening ready with drain pan in place.
The opening needed the AC power, 12vdc, furnace thermostat, and a control wire for the Comfort Control Center. Also needed was the 1/2″ drain tube for the drip pan. This will keep condenstation from running down the side of the trailer.
Here is a shot with the drain pan in place. I put a good bead of vulkem around the opening before placing the pan down.
Me on the left and brother Mark on the right lift the 92lb heatpump from the carton.
Next challange was getting the unit on the roof. It took all three of us. That’s Chuck in the foreground. Of course my dad was the photo journelist today ;-).
We basically walked it up using two ladders and set it on the edge of the roof. Then we got up on the roof and walked it in place.
After carefully setting it in place and with one brother on the roof watching things over, I tightened down the three bolts until the gasket was evenly compressed all the way around.
And here is how it looks now on the roof. All thats left is hooking up all the wiring and mounting the lower piece.
Could not have done it without the help of my brothers and dad, thanks guys!