Carrying on with my weatherproofing my airstream, I continued on around and removed the tail lights.
They were in very nice condition. But I decided to go ahead and paint them up.
And polish behind them. I really was not intending on do it but I thought I might as well. Even though this clear coat is killer.
I used more of my favorite butyl tape to seal the mounted lamp bases back. It’s so much easier than using vulkem to clean up. And that it what was used originally. I decided to keep the lenses off and try to polish them up with Nuvite to see how they come out.
In the middle of all of this, I also removed the CB antenna in the front. I polished behind it, painted it, and mounted it back with butyl tape as well.
So we’re getting there. I only need to repair the license plate lamp holder. It has too short a wire to install it back. So I will have to solder a wire to it before I mount it. After that is mounted, the only leak holes I know about are about eight awning mounting holes. Someone used rather large bolts to hold on an after market awning. I’m not sure a Olympic rivet will fill the holes or not. So, I’ll have to check that out, do a little vulkeming and parbonding around and hope for the best! 🙂